Stone Grove – B-side Festival 2021


Stone Grove

B-side and Somerset Art Works Platform Bursary Project 2020-21


Grove, Portland – A Place of Possible Sanctity

“In an unpublished manuscript The High Places of Portland  (Dorset County Museum Boxfile 5) Mrs King Warry also refers to the Grove area as a place of possible sanctity, being  approximately midway  between two areas which contained stone circles, now both destroyed…”

The Association For Portland Archaeology


Stone Grove was made in response to the Grove area of Portland, inspired by the disused lime kiln to the north of the village and accounts of a lost stone circle discovered on the site of HMP/YOI Portland. Working with an improvised kiln built at her studio in Somerset, Scott created her own lime mortar from Portland stone. This Portland lime was used to coat a series of fallen branches gathered from the nearby Stadium Bowl, creating a fragile, ghostly installation at the Old Engine Shed.

Wood from trees self-seeded in a former quarry pit, and stone transformed through fire into lime. An elemental exploration of Portland’s ever shifting landscape.


Photographs by Paul Box, commissioned by B-side Festival.